To all subscribers new and old, welcome to this month’s Parsha Coloring Page freebies!
It’s always a fun excuse to draw anthropomorphized fruits and veggies. So I decided to close out the book of Vayikra with not one but two pages of fruity (and veggie) fun!
Let me know what you think! I’d love to see some of your colored pages. If you choose to upload and share images any online, please tag me @charipereart and use the hashtag #ParshaColoringPages.
And now, for this week’s coloring pages:
Click on each of the images below. Right click to download and save image.
If you missed last week’s post, click here to see Parshat Emor! You can only access it with a paid subscription, which allows full access to the archived files.
**If you enjoy the free Parsha Coloring Pages, consider upgrading to a paid subscription!**